Streamlining grid integration: RatedPower's flexible schema approach
MAY 29, 24 | 5 PM · ENIO GJONI ·
Interested in our new interconnection flexible schema feature? Join us for this 45-minute live session to discover how to increase the profitability of a project by efficiently distributing the capacity from several solar areas to the grid with RatedPower. Enio, Product Manager at RatedPower, and Matteo, our Technical Advisor, will be your hosts for this one, where you’ll:
- Learn to define more than one interconnection facility, either substations or switching and breaking stations
- Design more than one transmissions lines to evacuate the production to the grid
- Learn how to meet the requirements set by off-takers in your PV projects
We'll wrap up with a Q&A session to make sure we cover all your questions! What if you’re not sure if you’ll make it to this live webinar? No worries — register, and we'll share the recording with you afterwards!