Drilling down into PV modeling: the role of accurate meteo, horizon, soiling and albedo data streams
SEP 07, 23 | 10 AM · GABRIEL CAÑADAS ·
Join Kristen Wagner (Clean Power Research’s SolarAnywhere team) and Gabriel Cañadas (RatedPower) in this live session to understand how the lack of reliable solar resource and loss data streams impact your asset profitability. You’ll gain insights into how integrating detailed, site-specific weather analytics into your design and engineering workflows is critical to mitigating risks and ensuring bankability of your PV projects. You'll learn:
- How top-notch solar resource, horizon, albedo and soiling loss data is generated.
- The benefits of using bankable weather data streams in early-stage solar plant development.
- How to easily integrate these data points into your design and engineering workflows.
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